Admission Enquiry

Principal's Desk


Arwachin International School stands tall with its majestic building, science lab, computer labs, library, huge playgrounds and the works but there is something else which makes Arwachin International School special. It is that is looks after the needs of the taught and fosters human qualities in them. It does not believe in imparting ‘knowledge’ merely as ‘information’ but insists on giving value based education which the world needs today. Having a developed Intellect is important but equally important is to have a compassionate heart .Our students are individuals who are physically, mentally, ethically and morally sound young people who cherish value such as discipline, honestly, empathy, humanity conviction and courage.

Along with this here students are also prepared to handle the challenges that life poses today which is like a tough exam where you are called upon to answer the most unexpected questions and solve the most complex problems and yet keep a cheerful frame of mind like a tea Kettle which sings even when it has hot water right up to its nose.

So this temple of learning is a place where children's not only learn, but they learn how to learn, unlearn and relearn and compete effectively in the global arena as good human beings

"If you want to rule by religion, you have to rule by peace, not by gun. ~ Unknown Libyan Citizen "