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Robotics and jolly phonics

Keeping pace with today’s most advanced institutions, Arwachin International School, Pilkhuwa has introduced Jolly Phonics to its students. Jolly Phonics, a sound based method to teach and learn English, is proving its utility and acceptability across the world.
English is a global and the most spoken language of the world. In India, teaching and learning English is a challenging, time consuming and Herculean task. Now it is an established fact that the outdated method of memorizing each and every word has become unacceptable and losing ground. Instead of this old and boring method, Jolly Phonics is being employed in the advanced countries of the world.Jolly Phonics, developed and introduced by Suelloyd and Sara Wenham is a result oriented technique and aims at teaching the sounds of the letters to the learners. It uses the synthetic phonics method which means that the letter sounds are taught first, on their own, and children are then taught to blend sound together to say the word. In Jolly Phonics, there are 42 main sounds of English. It aims at teaching 42 sounds along with the alphabet. The easiest way to know how to spell a word is to listen to the sounds in that word. This is also called segmenting. Jolly Phonics imparts 5 basic skills for reading and writing. Spelling a word, hither to a baffling and elusive task, has become easier. In addition to learning the letter sounds, letter formation and spelling the tricky words, this technique covers the grammar stage divided into two halves. Grammar and spelling. With the latest method of teaching and learning, English, the educationists can now look forward to having better and brighter prospects of education.Phonics is going to be an effective tool in the hands of the learners to enable them to learn the letter sounds. Once the fluency in reading is achieved, the next important skills for a child will be comprehension and the understanding of more words. This technique will not only help the children better their reading speaking and communicative skills but also enable the parents and teachers to facilitate teaching learning process. In other words, learning and teaching is going to receive a thrust in the wake of this long awaited tool. This method has a wide range of topics that it can make easily accessible to the learners as well as the teachers. A few examples here are sufficient to corroborate this point. The use of prefixes and suffixes included in this method amply brings home the learners how they can bring about a change in the meaning of a word by adding prefixes or suffixes. In a nut shell, it is going to sharpen the learners’ reading and communicative skills. Simultaneously it is also going to be a productive tool in the hands of parents & teachers to facilitate teaching learning process. The beauty of this method lies in the fact that it enables the children to dispense with the tiresome task of memorizing. They will grow self reliant and confident to a considerable extent.

"If you want to rule by religion, you have to rule by peace, not by gun. ~ Unknown Libyan Citizen "